He’s goofy bordering on over-confident, and he’s risen to attention so quickly you might wonder if it’s just a hype machine. Underneath it all though, there’s no denying Mac Demarco writes a mean pop song. Songs like “Ode to Viceroy” and “She’s Really All I Need” stand alone as proof that he’s earned his newfound success, and luckily for us, he’s ready to drop the next installment in his bedroom weirdo-pop saga. Salad Days [out April 1st on Captured Tracks] pick ups where his first full-length left off. There’s the signature chorus-tinged guitar, lyrics about growing up, and an unapologetic Kinks rip, and that’s only in the first song. The record is available to stream in it’s entirety over at NPR right now.
Mac and his crew will also be coming through our fair city on April 16th, and they’re bringing labelmate Juan Wauters with them. Tickets are available from Exit/In now. Get yrs before it sells out [it definitely will].