Tony Caro & John released an album of pretty impeccable UK psych folk pop in 1972 titled All On The First Day. It was originally very hard to come by, but after a couple of reissues you can find your way to adding this record to your collection pretty simply. Lucky for us though – the kind folk over at Drag City have gotten together and compiled an LP of rarities and outtakes from around the same period called Blue Clouds. It’s being released early this November and we can safely say that it’ll find itself perfectly in your Winter listening pile. The melodious British trio lean more toward the Fairport Convention side of things in this new compiliation – and it has us pretty excited. You can preview a track from it below and click further for the whole tracklist. Drag City is always one of our favorite labels around – but this one is pushing them over the top. Thanks, guys…
Tony Caro & John – Forever and Ever [mp3]
Forever and Ever 3:33
Bye Bye I Love You 2:06
Home 2:22
Sally Free and Easy 4:24
Where The Elephants Go To Die 2:18
Ton Ton Macoutes 7:44
Swirling Sphere 2:54
Pretty Saro 4:18
Children Of Plenty 2:19
There Are No Greater Heroes 4:48
The Road To Avalon 5:15
All On The First Day (Alt.) (download-only) 7:06
Fountain of Snow (download-only) 3:18
Brigg Fair (download-only) 2:53
Reels (Live, 1974) (download-only) 3:13
My Grandfather’s Clock (download-only) 2:38Â
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