Mind Spiders – the brainchild of Mark Ryan [Marked Men, High Tension Wires, etc.] – just released their second proper full length, Meltdown, from Dirtnap Records. The whole album is streaming for free from the SPIN site right now, and while we highly encourage heading over there to give it a listen – we also highly encourage you to not read the article. Really though, they say it’s kind of like Blink-182 meets Surfaris — that’s just not worth reading. This new album is a separation from the last LP in that it’s the first time we’re hearing full-band Mind Spiders recordings. What’s usually Mark Ryan playing most of the instruments has transformed into a full-fledged fleet of Austin’s finest – featuring members of Bad Sports, The Uptown Bums, Marked Men, and High Tension Wires. Scoop the album here. It looks like we’re going to be getting our fill of Mind Spiders in late March this year… so get stoked…

Mind Spiders – On The Radio [mp3]

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