Nashville’s Queen of Noise [probably known better as Leslie Keffer] has been working on her brand new record and now that it’s about ready for release — she’s looking for some help. While the record is slated to drop on cassette from No Kings, Leslie’s looking to press 500 copies of the Finally, Caves! LP at URP featuring the dance-jam “Finally, Caves (Joy Dance)” which you can stream at the bottom of the post. The money contributed will also go towards a music video for said single [Which, as Leslie points out, pretty much makes for a nice little mini-movie since the single clocks in at around 8 minutes] If you’re in a band or have been in a band that’s played through Nashville over the last few years — chances are that Leslie has helped you out at some point or another. Time to return the favors, bruh. Head on over to her Kickstarter page and donate what you can to help her reach her goal. Looks like you can score some pretty sweet swag with your donations, too. So get on it!

Finally, Caves! by lesliekeffer

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