Lots going on tomorrow night. We can only imagine a good number of people will be making the short trip down to the Murf to catch JEFF/Mom & Dad/Seafood Hotline and we know most of the kiddies will be celebrating the arrival of the self-released Dogs of Oz EP at the Dog House, but if those things don’t really sound like your bag or you don’t wanna make the drive or you don’t feel like being the old dude at a high school party — we suggest getting yourself on over to Dino’s Bar & Grill. Our buddies Ttotals just got back relatively recently from a quick tour in the north-easterly parts of the US and they’ll be hitting the stage tomorrow night with Australia’s Dead Farmers [who had a killer debut full-length, Go Home, come out on RIP Society not too long ago] and Milwaukee’s Slow Walker [who have a brand new cassette out that you can listen to here] Should be a killer night. The suggested cover will run you three bones. Check out a video below of Dead Farmers totally killing it in Brisbane. Makes us almost wish we weren’t heading down to ATX…. almost….
Friday November 4. 2011
:: Ttotals
:::: Dead Farmers
:::::: Slow Walker
@ Dino’s B&G
A suggested $3 – 21+ – 9PM
I took a video. Please excuse the blurry parts.