We told you that we’d be announcing our next release pretty soon, and here it is. We’re more than stoked to bring a 7″ from our favorite new band Sex Cult. We’d been hinting at it a little in the last couple weeks, but now you can check out “Plain Jane” below and see why we’re so excited about this band. They’ll be in Nashville tomorrow night at The End and that might be the only time you can catch them for a bit [’til GonerFest at least] Speaking of GonerFest, they’ve got another single slated for release soon and you can hear it on the Goner Fest Radio. The B-side to the single is a killer take on The Urinals’ “I’m A Bug”. We should have it out in a few weeks, but you know we’ll keep you posted on that. See you Saturday. It’s time to join the cult.
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