You know sometimes with so many records coming out and being reissued and stuff we end up not finding out about something until a little while after it comes out. Such is the case with the reissue of Puncture’s ’77 classic Mucky Pup single from Last Laugh Records. The 7″ was originally released on Small Wonder Records out of London and sold out an initial press of 2,000 right off the bat. They pressed another 1,000 after that which sold out too — but lucky for you, Last Laugh reissued it for you to get your hands on. You can snag it from their site here. And while you’re there, grab some other stuff and get stoked for their upcoming releases [Incredible Kidda Band, The Skinnies, Hammer Damage, blah blah blah]
Puncture – You Can’t Rock’n Roll (In A Council Flat) [mp3]
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