We mentioned a while ago that Cy Barkley & The Way Outsiders had a new EP coming and now it’s finally ready to roll. It’s a part of the new Econoline Series that Infinity Cat is doing [we’re not sure how many are going to be in the series, but keep your eyes peeled for more soonly] We’re having a small party for them next week to celebrate, but we’ll talk about that a little bit later on today. The guys also went out and shot a new video for the title track off the new record, Rock Together. There’s lots of green screen and lots of Cy. Or I guess we should say there are lots of Cys. Cies? Whatever. It was shot/edited/directed by Colin Lewis and you can check it out below. Cy and the boys have a bunch of shows coming up this month, make sure to hit them and snag a new record.
Cy Barkley & The Way Outsiders – Dusted [mp3]
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We Jam Econo!
limited to 350
Yeah, ICat typically re-press their 7″s though so we figured it didn’t matter much to mention. You can order it now from them here