We know we’ve been rattling on and on over the last couple days about how the TwentyTen was a good year, but we only got two days left in it and we’d like to spend those on getting everyone as stoked for the 2k11 as we are. If this year was good, the 2011 is gonna be even better. Not only are we gonna have our new label up and running, but there’s a ton of new releases coming, a ton of sick shows on the way, and more parties to be had. With that in mind, here is a list we’ve got for some records slated for 2011 releases that have us mondo stoked…
JEFF the BROTHERHOOD – We Are The Champions
Release date: Early 2011
Label: Infinity Cat Recordings
JEFF the Brotherhood – Mellow Out [mp3]
Duh. You know we’ve been waiting 1 year 2 months and 17 days for this record. We’ve heard it a couple times now and we mean it when we say that the 2011 will be the year of the Bogus Bros. And you thought the ’09 and the ’10 were.
Bass Drum of Death – S/T
Release Date: February 2011
Label: Inflated Records
Bass Drum of Death – Hear Attack Kid [mp3]
We’ll be psyched to finally get a proper full length out of the Oxford boys. After their debut single and their last one from Baby Don’t, we have no reason to believe that this record will be anything less than a gem.
Tristen – Charlatans at The Garden Date
Release Date: February 1, 2011
Label: American Myth Recordings
Tristen – Eager For Your Love [mp3]
Tristen is quickly becoming one of our absolute favorite local bebs. She passed us an advance copy of the album and it rules. Total Fleetwood/Kate Bush vibes and the closer on the album is one of the best we’ve heard from her yet.
The Beets – Stay Home
Release Date: January 11, 2011
Label: Captured Tracks
The Beets – Matters Nothing [mp3]
We just talked about this one a little earlier this week but couldn’t go without mentioning it. Looks like they’ll be hitting town in late February too, but you might wanna snag one of the limited edition clear vinyl ones before they come [we doubt they’ll have any of those left by then]
Sic Alps – Napa Asylum
Release Date: January 25, 2011
Label: Drag City
Sic Alps – Cement Surfboard [mp3]
It’s been a little bit since we’ve heard from Sic Alps. We snagged their L Mansion 7″ a while ago and have been blasting it for a while now. We’ve heard a couple tracks off the new LP and sounds really really great.
Ty Segall – Live In Aisle Five
Release Date: January 25, 2011
Label: Southpaw Records
Ty Segall – California Commercial
We wrote about this like 2 days ago, but whatever. Shit rules. Southpaw looks like they’re really putting it on this year with singles from The Splinters and Snake Flower 2 [a Matthew Melton project] Gonna be a good year for them. We can feel it in our bones.
The Paperhead – The Paperhead
Release Date: Spring 2011
Label: Trouble In Mind
Last year’s “Focus In On…” was one of our favorite records to come out [cassette-only, but whatev] We liked it so much we’re putting out a 7″ with two songs from the cassette on it. Trouble In Mind liked it so much that they’re putting out the bad boys new LP. We’ve heard it and think maybe everyone will finally get to hear and understand what we’ve been talking about for so long.
The Dirtbombs – Party Store
Release Date: February 1, 2011
Label: In The Red
Dirtbombs are totally getting our goats with this one. Party Store is their homage to 80s and 90s Detroit disco and techno. Serious. If you’re looking for a party album — get stoked.
The Consumers – All My Friends Are Dead
Release Date: Spring 2011
Label: In The Red
Technically not a new release since the Arizona bad boys made this one back in ’77, but In The Red is re-re-releasing the album again and we wouldn’t be buddies if we didn’t let you know about it. Last time they reissued it [back in 1995] it sold out almost immediately. Get on it!
The Reatards – Teenage Hate
Release Date: Early 2011
Label: Goner Records
Here’s another reissue slated to come out in the 2011. It’s hard for us to stomach the fact that Jay’s been gone for almost a year now. In the new year, we’ll see two Reatards albums get the reissue treatment with expanded material. If we’re not mistaken, the Teenage Hate reissue features a whole slew of songs recorded by Jay and Greg Oblivian with Greg on drums.
Career Suicide – Cherry Beach EP
Release Date: Early 2011
Label: Dirtnap Records
It’s about fucking time this one got released stateside. The original was pressed in 300 copies for a European tour in the UK and Ireland, and they didn’t come home with any. Dirtnap is rereleasing it this year with a couple extra tracks though.
Yeesh, this is taking forever. How’s about this…. how about we just rattle off a few more records that we can’t wait for and when the time comes — we’ll make full blown posts about all of them? Sound good? Cool.
2011 LPS
Natural Child – 1971 [Infinity Cat]
PUJOL – X File On Main Street [Infinity Cat]
Hell Beach – S/T [Infinity Cat]
Useless Eaters – Singles Compilation [Tic Tac Totally]
Quintron – Sucre de Savage [Goner Records]
Eddy Current Suppression Ring – Singles Compilation [Goner Records]
Davila 666 – Tan Bajo [In The Red]
UV Race – Homo [In The Red]
The Spits – V [In The Red]
Thee Oh Sees – Castlemania [In The Red]
Bad Sports – TBA [Dirtnap Records]
Mean Jeans – TBA [Dirtnap Records]
White Wires – WW III [Dirtnap Records]
VIDEO – Video LP [Play Pinball Records]
GG King – Esoteric Love [Rob’s House/Scavenger of Death]
Liquor Store – TBA [Almost Ready Records]
Those Darlins – Screws Get Loose [Oh Wow Dang]
Diarrhea Planet – Loose Jewels [Evil Weevil]
Slug Guts – Howlin’ Gang [Sacred Bones]
Moon Duo – Mazes [Sacred Bones]
2011 Singles
The year will also see a bunch of new singles from a bunch of bands [Duh] A few choice ones that we’re really looking forward to are from Puffy Areolas, Ratas Del Vaticano, The Cannomen, Heavy Cream, D. Watusi, Useless Eaters, The Paperhead, Jeffrey Novak, Bake Sale, PUJOL, Turbo Fruits, JEFF the Brotherhood, and a bunch more. Geez.
Ok, one last thing…. you all really need to get yourselves ready for this year’s FREAKIN’ WEEKEND. It’s going down in early March and we can guarantee that it’s going to be nuts and be awesome. For real.
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2011 is shaping up to be one helluva year
Ty segall, pujol, liquor store (will u sucha QT!)
that sic alps song is the shite