Along with Bass Drum of Death and Unwed Teenage Mothers, FLIGHT is making Mississippi look like one of the best places for rock bands to spring from… must be something in the drugs. I guess we shouldn’t just pigeon-hole FLIGHT as “rock” though — shit’s like a grungey drug-binged pill-infused cough-syrup-sipping dreamboat. So sort of like if Three 6 Mafia took some rock and roll and decided to give it some choppd and screwd treatment. If that doesn’t sound like your bag, then you probably won’t wanna watch his new video for “Turn to Blood” [the single off the recently released The Lead Ringers EP from Zoo Music — snag a copy quick there’s only a few left] We’ve been trying to work out getting the bad boys up here for a show for the last long while [was supposed to happen in July, again in October, round three will hopefully go better] Watch their new vid after the click…
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