And just like that! See!! Read the bottom of the Spits post we just made. Ha! Scion/VICE announced earlier today the Strange Boys/Natural Child show happening at the Knitting Factory on October 28th. So stoked. Natural Child and Strange Boys just wrapped up a nice little 10-day tour together and it looks like that band-friendship is turning into a total love-dovey get-it-on-ship. We’ll be up there [probably bouncing around all night between this show and the JEFF show at MHOW] Anyways, we highly suggest every Nashvillian high tail it up to Brooklyn at the end of the month and show those losers how to party. As is the norm with these things — you can expect a split 7″ to follow the show at some point. We’ll keep you posted on everything as it comes — FUCK YEAH — IT’S NATURAL
:: The Strange Boys
:::: Natural Child
@ Knitting Factory [Brooklyn, NY]
$FREE – 18+ – 10PM
You can RSVP for the FREE show here.