Poster by Ben Lyon
We are one week away from GonerFest Seven and, even though we’ve already talked a good bit about it and about some of the bands playing, we figured we’d give one last giant rundown of who’s playing and why it’s worth your time. I mean, the week before GonerFest is usually when most Nashvillians make up their mind if they’re gonna go or not, right? Whatever…. We’d like to also just go ahead and say that Ben Lyon has been killing it for a good while now. His posters/artwork are so instantly recognizable. Whether you know it or not, you’ve probably seen some of his work [like this or this or this or this] So, good job Ben. Anyways, running down…
Lord Keep Me Sanctified [mp3]
Jeff Evans is one of Memphis’ golden boys. Probably couldn’t ask for any more straightforward bluesy rock and roll, ya know? He’s packing everything you’d want from a bluesboy: got that slapback, gospel tinges, a killer backing band, got the gut, uh huh [At the Hi-Tone]
Miss My Gun [mp3]
Vermillion Sands are these three Italiano looking mutherfuckers and that one smoking babe. They are Italiano looking because, well, they are from Italy. The baybees are coming stateside initially for GonerFest but are then continuing out on their own East Coast tour [They’re actually hitting Nashville too at The Springwater — hit it] — [At The Hi-Tone]
It wouldn’t be Memphis and it wouldn’t be GonerFest if King Louie wasn’t there. This year he’s playing with his “new” band Missing Monuments. They were supposed to roll through not too long ago, but some miscommunications prevented that. As always with King, you should expect a drunken disorderly out-of-your-head rock and roll show. [At the Hi-Tone]
Useless Eaters — if you’ve been following us for a while, you know we’re pretty big fans. The Memphis-Toronto-now Nashvillian trio are one of those bands that we’ll go see anytime they’re playing. If you haven’t had a chance to pick up one of their handful of 7″s — you should hit up Grimey’s sometime this week because we know they just got a bunch in [including that import 7″] They just posted up a new track, Market Rat, for you to get your ears wet with at their myspace. [At the Hi-Tone]
Hey Delinquents [mp3]
Spider Bags are not exactly something you’d hear and be like “bet those dudes are playing GonerFest” The Chapel Hillians fall more into that folky bluegrassy region [which isn’t typically our bag, but you know sometimes you can be at a bonfire partying and someone will play some bluegrassy stuff on guitar and you think “Whatever, atleast it’s not a fucking ‘Santeria’ cover”] That’s not to say that they aren’t rocking and rolling sometimes though. Dudes get down. [At the Hi-Tone]
Meat Step Lively [mp3]
You know Thee Oh Sees. You know John Dwyer. They’re kicking things off on the Thursday of GonerFest at the Opening Ceremonies at the Goner Store. We were in New York a little bit ago and Thee Oh Sees were up there too. We ended up seeing them like 4 times and can say that they’re definitely one of the sickest bands to see live right now. [At the Goner Store — earlier]
Girlfriend [mp3]
We’ve been reaching our Ty-quota pretty easily over the last year, and so has everybody else. Ty played last year’s GonerFest and absolutely killed it. Like we’ve already announced, Ty and crew are coming through Nashville shortly after GonerFest [Sept. 28th] to play at The End with JEFF, Pujol, and D. Watusi. [At the Hi-Tone]
Start Over [mp3]
So Cow hasn’t been through the South in a bit, but can you blame them? The Irish bad boys are rolling through soon though [for GonerFest and for a quick stop at The End on the 22nd] We caught them at Southstreet Seaport in NYC earlier this Summer and it ruled. I mean, it ruled as much as a So Cow show at 5 in the afternoon could, right? [At the Hi-Tone]
When you’re stuck in a place like Tempe, Arizona — the only logical thing to do is start a band that makes everyone feel like the world is ending. These guys do a pretty good job of that. It’s synth-y and evil and sort of makes you feel like you’re losing your mind. Soooo I guess lose your mind? [At the Hi-Tone]
Mess Around [mp3]
Wooo gotta love those dark-haired Aboriginal Aussie babes, right? We do. Super Wild Horses are coming stateside real soon and they’re making their way down the East Coast to our wonderful neck of the woods [Tennessee, not Nashville. Maybe Nashville though — we’re trying to talk them into stopping by before they go to New Orleans] Rock and roll two piece comprised of two bebe babes. Pitter patter goes my heart [At the Hi-Tone]
We’ve talked about Haunted George a couple times here, but let’s talk about him a little more. With the nights starting to be how they are — all cool and nice and comfortable — all we wanna do lately is drive down and around town blasting some of his blown out ghoul jams. The only date listed for him is GonerFest, but we’re gonna see if we can’t leech that one too. [At the Hi-Tone]
5 Years [mp3]
Limes are another Memphis staple that you should definitely be aware of if you’re not already. It’s like a more blues-y rock and roll Silver Jews — which, you know, means its good. You can actually download a nice little 8-track album right here. [At the Hi-Tone]
AFTERNOON ROCK at The Buccaneer
The Golden Boys, Data Drums, The Legendary Wings, and Golden Triangle
Memphis Creep [mp3]
There are a few of those bands that are like “You haven’t lived until you’ve seen the —- ” Oblivians are one of those bands. They don’t play all that often anymore [Although it’s seemed a little more often than not — we keep seeing shows popping up all over the place with Oblivians on them. Like Garage Fest and stuff] Anyways, there’s not really much we can say about them other than they’re the kings. They do the work. Kill a punk for rock and roll [At the Hi-Tone]
Boo Hoo Hoo [mp3]
The bad boys out of Philly are back together for a short stint of dates and one of those happens to be for GonerFest. It’s been a bit since Siltbreeze’s favorite sons have gone out and shown their goods off. Coming up on twenty years after their first single, we can only hope that the dudes are a quarter as good as they once were. We’ll be satisfied for sure if they are. [At the Hi-Tone]
Brass Knuckles [mp3]
Sooo I think we’re more stoked about this than any other band [except for maybe Guitar Wolf] We’ve tried to catch these guys like 3 or 4 different times and never been able to. Have you listened to Raw Pie [their new LP — a collection of all their singles] ?? It’s so gnarly. We know it’s a “joke” band, but still… these dudes kill it. I can read I can read I can read [At the Hi-Tone]
One of the only Nashville reps playing at GonerFest this year. We feel like Davey always catches a bad wrap around here: hangs at the Springwater all the time, tries to get his swag on, general disregard for… most things. But we still think he’s pretty boss. [At the Hi-Tone]
Parting Gifts is a duo of Greg Cartwright and Coco from The Ettes. They got together a while ago to record a couple tracks for a 45 and ended up making a whole album [which will see release this October from In The Red] This is one of the more intriguing bands of the whole festival… I mean, it’s their debut show, we can’t find anything to listen to anywhere, and Greg Cartwright’s yet to have done us wrong [At the Hi-Tone]
B.I.S.I. [mp3]
Straight out of the gnarliest and dirtiest gutter in Columbus, OH. The Coli brahs have been working hard to show everyone what real lo-fi brashy punk rock is. Their album, Sorcerers of Madness, came out earlier this March and has been talk of the town in a couple towns. You know… ’round town. [At the Hi-Tone]
Ratas Del Vaticano [had to cancel — mondo bummer] Total Control, Lamps, Burning Sands, Outdoorsmen, Wild Thing, Red Mass, Menthols, Touch Me Nots, and James Arthur’s Manhunt [That is a fucking killer day show. Yeesh]
Summertime Blues [mp3]
OK, I know we just said that we were most stoked about Personal & The Pizzas, but seriously… fucking sick. You know what’s even wilder? The bad boys are doing some shows after their GonerFest appearance and hometown sweethearts Hans Condor are going on tour with them! That’s truth! Anyways, lock and loll. [At the Hi-Tone]
The dudes don’t play out too much anymore and haven’t really in the last 5 or 6 years, but they’re playing for GonerFest and it’s gonna rule. They’re putting down their pencils and papers and picking the axes back up to rock and roll it Columbus-stylee again [That’s a joke because guitarist Jim Weber’s actually a high school teacher now. That’d be a killer English class] — [At the Hi-Tone]
What the fuck? Since when is my dad in Armitage Shanks? That’s a joke my dad’s not really in Armitage Shanks [My dad’s not from the UK and he doesn’t really like punk music. He likes Chuck Berry though so fuck off] Hahah, according to Wikipedia, Armitage Shanks is “a song on Green Day’s Insomniac” or “a British manufacturer of bathroom fixtures” Sounds about right. [At the Hi-Tone]
Gore Orphanage [mp3]
More Aussie bad boys for ya. They’ve been stateside for a little bit though; touring from the West Coast alllllll the way across to the East Coast and now they’re coming down southward for a little bit. What’s not to love about hard-working bebes with that real “get in the van” attitude? Nothing. They don’t want your love. [At the Hi-Tone]
Evil One [mp3]
The objectification of women in rock and roll is a real shame, so we’re trying out this new thing where when cute girl groups come through we don’t automatically just get wrapped up in their looks. It’s tough with these bebes. The Brooklynites have been gaining ground lately with releases on HoZac and Norton and we think they’re prettttty badass. Love them 60s gals. [At the Hi-Tone]
One of Austin’s finest. Also playing with Golden Boys. He’s got his own solo record, Bad Lady Goes To Jail, coming out in October on Goner. Like the picture above suggests, dude’s a real gun-smoking, dirty south, whiskey drinking blues boy that’ll rock you till you drop. [At the Hi-Tone]
TY SEGALL [solo]
Goodbye Bread [mp3]
We know we already talked about him once in this post and we already talked about how we’re always talking about him, but we wanted an excuse to post that version of “Goodbye Bread” he did a little while ago. Seeing as it’ll be a solo performance at the Goner Store, we’re thinking it’ll probably sound more stripped down like this. [At the Goner Store]
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You can hear two Parting Gifts tracks here:
One fronted by Greg, the other fronted by Coco.
Also, they will be playing a warmup gig next Thursday at the Basement here in the ‘Ville.
Awww hell yeah!
See you there, Cooter