Photo by Bekah Cope
We mentioned forever ago that Those Darlins and Funstix had a new 7″ release coming out, and — well — it’s finally out! The Night Jogger 7″ [out on Oh Wow Dang] was released as a part of Record Store Day — not the one that happens in the Spring, the one that happens in the not-Spring. Yeah, we didn’t really remember that one either. Anyways, the 7″ features a new track from Those Darlins called “Night Jogger” which you can listen to below. The Funstix side of the 45 features their hit jam “Funstix Party”. If you haven’t scooped it yet — go for it. Darlins are out on tour for a bit longer with Gentleman Jesse and The Strange Boys and then with Turbo Fruits. Check out a video of them not talking at all about their new release here.
Those Darlins – Night Jogger [mp3]
Darlins are more than likely coming to your city or a town near your city or maybe your shanty town. Who knows. Check the dates.
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