Photo by Bekah Cope
We can get down with a band that wears apple bottom jeans. We’ve already talked about Magic Kids’ new record Memphis [coming out Aug. 24 via True Panther Sounds/Matador] But they just announced a new in-store tour and there’s a couple Tennessee dates thrown in there. One being August 30 at Grimey’s and the other being 5 days earlier at the Disc Exchange in Knoxville [the 25th learn your math!] We’re gonna see if we can’t just get the bubblegum poppers to stick around all night and maybe party with us Nashville style [You know, show them that they named their record after the wrong city. Just joking with you Memphis! Is it hot in here?] Or maybe we’ll just get them to play our baby brobro’s birthday party…
Monday August 30
:: Magic Kids
@ Grimey’s New & Pre-Loved Records
$FREE – All Ages – 6PM
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