Mikal Cronin is one productive dude. It was like everytime we’d blink, we’d miss something with this guy — that’s why we’ve learned to just not blink anymore. Moonhearts [they dropped Charlie] just released their new record earlier this week and it’s killer summer jams to the max. Would you expect anything less though? It’s only available digitally right now, but the LP will be coming out soon enough on Tic Tac Totally. Aside from that, there are about one million other releases that Mikal’s got out right now — our advice: get all you can. Check out a couple tracks below:
Moonhearts – Shine [mp3]
Moonhearts – I Can Go On [mp3]
1. I Hate Myself
2. I Said
3. Shine
4. Can’t Find My Way
5. Never Lost Control
6. Deathstar Pt. 1
7. Deathstar Pt. 2
8. Let Go
9. Eat My Shorts
10. Love Is Gone
11. I Can Go On
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