Photo by Bekah Cope
It’s been a minute since the old Woven Bone-boys have hit Nashville [remember, they came through right before GonerFest last year in September at Glenn Danzig’s House with Ty Segall and Mantles and Yussuf Jerusalem —– and it was $5 —- you’re so lucky, Nashville] Anyways, they’re coming back this Friday night at The End to play with Cy Barkley [who’s new 7″ sounds fucking killer] and Disappears. That and the Screaming Females show make you wanna just go ahead and throw that Boneroo ticket away, right? Right. They just put out their first full length, In And Out And Back Again, with HoZac and it’s pretty ripe. Get it got it gooood.
Woven Bones – If It Feels Alright [mp3]
WOVEN BONES “YOUR WAY WITH MY LIFE” ((OFFICIAL)) from andy bones on Vimeo.
Oh and hey we’ve got a couple tickets to give away to the show this Friday, so get at us [you know, email stylee — nashvillesdead(at)gmail(dot)com] and tell us how much you love us. Winner wins.
Friday June 10
:: Disappears
:::: Woven Bones
:::::: Cy Barkley
@ The End
$5 – 18+ – 8PM
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