So Friday night kinda sent us into orbit for a little while and we just got back. Bruises on our knees and elbows and we’re having a lot of trouble just getting out of bed [it’s probably a really bad thing that I can’t really bend my back, right?] Anyways, we’re sitting around and thinking about how we’ve really been slacking on showing you guys some new shiz so we’re gonna work harder on that. We started a little yesterday with Liminanas but now here’s some goodies for ya…


Honestly, we know basically nothing about this band. I mean, they’re from Croatia and play “dark moody post-punk jams” whatever that means. It’s like Delta5 in a different language or older Nina Hagen and the Go-Go’s and with a bit more edge to it. So I guess what we’re trying to say is that they’re super badass and we’d love for the babes to come to Nashy. As far as releases go, we’re pretty sure they’ve yet to put anything out. Oh, wait a minute, looks like there was an EP that was self-released earlier this year. If you can figure out where to scoop it, let us know.

Larve – List. [mp3]
Larve – Bubimir [mp3]


Like we’ve already said a million times in the last week, it’s summer outside. Shocka-Khans come from where it’s always summer [Covina, California] and play some real hot slop-pop tunes. When we were first introduced to them, someone told us to think of a more disheveled Soft Pack. That’s kinda of a good description, but it’s more just charming pop songs from a couple of dudes looking for the good times. Know what we’re saying? Let’s quit over-complicating things: Shocka-Khans — thanks for the pop songs. Release-wise, we don’t think the bad boys have too much on their plat, but we’ll keep you posted.


God we are so sick and tired of cute bands with their cute band names and their cute songs and ….. oh, they’re from Memphis? Wait, play that song again. But, I mean, come on… rock and roll is supposed to look like this not like this…. Oh man, who are we kidding… We’re such suckers for girls playing dreamy prom-pop songs. Ok, Bake Sale, you babies are down with us and we’re down with you so let’s get down together sometime this summer, ok? Make love in this club.

Bake Sale – Prom Song [mp3]
Bake Sale – Meanwhile [mp3]

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