Photo by Bekah Cope
You know we love our sib-sym bands, and one that’s come up in the last little while that we’re stoked on is White Mystery. The red headed duo, Alex White [of Miss Alex White & The Red Orchestra, The Red Lights, Hot Machines, Candy Apple Killings, Forestbride, and Missile X Records…. sheesh] and her brobro Francis, have been playing around the Chicago area for a bit now and have definitely sparked the interest of some big-wigs ’round town. They put out their debut 7″ just a while ago on Chicago-based HoZac and just put out their debut self-released LP. Both of them are killer. And the live show’s even better. It’s like raw soulful garage rock that doesn’t let you go, know what I mean? Basically, it’s what you wanna hear. That Alex White is a real busy lady too. If you haven’t checked out her previous band [the one we mentioned earlier — Miss Alex White & The Red Orchestra] you oughtta. Not only that but we know that bebe’s a total button fiend.
White Mystery- Powerglove [mp3]
Scoop up their debut LP here. Rumor on the street is that the gingers are hitting Nashy in mid-August. As always — we’ll keep you posted.
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