You guys know we love Jacuzzi Boys. If you don’t know, then you’re just skimming this bologna for mp3s and funny photos [We don’t blame you, I barely read any of the stuff DD posts either] Anyways, our favorite Miami mamis – Jacuzzi Boys – are about to head out on a huge tour going coast to coast and down and around and everywhere [playing with the like of The Spits, The Beets, Woven Bones, Christmas Island, and a bunches of other bands we’re dreamy for] We caught wind that they might be hitting Nashy in late June. Scratch that. They are definitely hitting Nashy in late June, we’ll keep you posted. Here’s their latest video for “Smells Dead” off of No Seasons. It’s even directed by our old buddy John McSwain [I was wondering what he’d been doing since he got the boot from VBS]
That image up at the top is the cover for their most recent single with Mexican Summer. God this band fucking kills it every time. Seriously. I’ve listened to this song 23 times today. Come check my iTunes play count if you don’t believe me.
Jacuzzi Boys – Bricks or Coconuts [mp3]
Pick up No Seasons here. It rules. Keep your eyes on June 20th.
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