Photo by Bekah Cope
If you’ve been cruising the internets today, you’ve probably seen a lot of talk about Mr. Oxford Mississippi – John Barrett. His latest 7″ single High School Roaches just came out on Baby Don’t Records [In case you’re unaware, that’s the same label that put out the Kintaro 7″ and is run by Cy Barkley of Cy Barkley and The Cyborgs — not their real band name] The single totally kills. It’s like a dreamboat mixture of punk-garage-southern tinged- rock rolling- john barretty- you know. John Barrett isn’t slated to come to Nashville anytime right now, but we’re working on getting him and crew to come up for a show. After seeing them at SXSW for the 5th time, we can absolutely vouch that this single is worth snagging, so pick it up! Plus he’s just the nicest dude.
John Barrett’s Bass Drum of Death – Get Found [mp3]
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That should totally be the real band name.
potential CY names: CY and his CY-Clones, the CY-kicks, CY-ber Sex, CY-Clops, ReCYcle, the Vicious CYcle, Desperate BiCYcles, Black Rebel MotorCYcle Club, Out of CYte, CY-Fi Fridays, etc etc etc