That didn’t take long. The Soft Pack, who were here like yesterday, are coming back for some more on March 24th at Exit/In. The boys just dropped their debut album [Kemado, scoop it up here] and to celebrate they played 10 shows in 1 day out in LA. We think the closest a Nashville band has ever come to those kinds of numbers was when Larry David & The Hipsters played 6 shows in 5 days. A lot of the 2010 dates are with their So-Cal buddies Nodzzz, Beaters, or Male Bonding. None of those three will be with them when they hit Nashy again, which is a MEGA bummer. Check out a video covering all that below [not the LD & the Hipsters stuff, unfortunately] along with a little mp3.

The Soft Pack 10 Shows from Kemado Records on Vimeo.

The Soft Pack – Answer to Yourself [mp3]

Wednesday March 24
:: The Soft Pack
:::: maybe Mr. Shreditorial
@ Exit/In
$TBA – 18+ – 9PM

Like we said, pick up the rekkid hereee.

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