Our Memphsonian buddies, Magic Kids [who are coming to town on Feb. 6 with Girls and Smith Westerns at Exit/In] just joined up with True Panther Sounds today. And like, two months ago, True Panther Sounds joined up with Matador. And like, four months ago, Matador joined up with Apple and came out with the iPadador [every Matador release available on a big touch-screeny thing and it costs a million dollars. Get us one now!] That last bit was a joke. But, we’re stoked that people are pay attention to our fellow Tennesseans and we can’t wait for them to hit the streets on Feb. 6th. Check out these jams…
Magic Kids – Superball [mp3]
Magic Kids – Hey Boy [mp3]
Saturday Feb. 6
:: Girls
:::: Smith Westerns
:::::: Magic Kids
@ Exit/In
$TBA – 18+ – 9PM
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