Photo by Emily Quirk
The boys are back in town this week for a show on Friday [you know, the one we keep talking about] and we figured we’d hit you with a couple JEFF bits.
1. Check out this new shirt. Prolly one of our favorites so far, and it includes a million tour dates on the back [going all the way to April!]
2. The Creamy bebes hipped us to a live recording of the dudely dudes’ December 6th show at Bowery Ballroom. It’s pretty rad. Snag it here and listen to their new song and “Diamond Way”. And all the others.
Just had Jake and Jamin in Fort Wayne, along with Psychedelic Horseshit, and they were wonderful. Great guys.
i eat horse shit 4 brekfass. i ain’t never trip’d shit off it though.