The Weakends are from Atlanta, GA. Just kidding! They’re from France, but from listening to them you’d definitely think they could be an Atlanta band. In fact, our buddy Hondo from Atlanta was the one that directed our attention to the French beaus. Let’s put all the Black Lip comparisons in our pockets and just say that The Weakends do a great job of producing loud, catchy, 60s-garagey, sing-a-long-y, sorta punky, kind of Black Lips-y, kind of Demon’s Claws-y jams. I guess the Black Lips comparison slipped out. Whatever. Their debut LP was released earlier this year on Rob’s House [along with a 7″] and it’ll stay on your table for weeks. Not your kitchen table, your turntable. No word as to when the boys will return stateside for another tour, but hopefully sooner than later.
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