Hello favorites, we are super swamped with things today and there are only so many of us that can write on here so… yeah. But! We just wanted to let you know about some things coming up that we’ll write more about in the next day or so:
  • NATURAL CHILD, who just returned from a great tour, are having their 7″ release party tomorrow night at Glenn Danzig’s House with 3-4 bands that have never played shows before. But that doesn’t mean you won’t recognize the people in the bands. Well, you might not… because some of them will be in costumes. It’s only $5 and you get a free copy of the 7″ when you walk in!
  • CMJ Festival was super rad and wore us out real bad. But we’d do it again in a second and we’ve got pages and pages of notes documenting the whole trip that we’ll put up later. No matter how legible they are.
  • Our #1 mami Bekah Cope has been working on some special Halloween pictures for you guys, so get ready!
We’ll probably make posts about the other usual things [New musics, bad jokes, etc.] Until then, let’s all go see The Black Lips tonight at Mercy Lounge and party hard! Like these guys.
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