It’s full-fledged Summertime out here: hundos everyday and making trips out to the fireworks stands and looking to get our kicks for as cheap as possible. Lucky for us, we’ll be able to get wiggly for free next Friday when The Paperhead and D. Watusi kickoff their summer tour together over at The Zombieshop. They’ve put together a nice FREE show for you to come party at with a couple of our other favorite locals – Ranch Ghost and Gnarwhal – both of whom have new records coming out sometime soonly. If that weren’t enough, William Tyler will be in tow slinging records on the decks all night. Should be fun. We’ll talk more about the Papertusi Tour a little later, but for now just get stoked and mark your calendars so you’ll know what do you in your post-4th of July party mode. SEE YOU THERE
Friday July 6
:: D. Watusi
:::: The Paperhead
:::::: Ranch Ghost
:::::::: Gnarwhal
:::::::::: DJ William Tyler
@ ZombieShop