The White Stripes : Coffee and Cigarettes

Some pretty sad news out of The White Stripes camp today. After 13 or so years of being a band, Meg and Jack have decided to call it quits. No more live shows and no more new recordings. They issued a statement this morning on the band’s site that you can see here. As kids who first heard The White Stripes when we were in the 6th grade, it’s pretty hard to stomach. We’re sure there will be plenty of talk about this all over the place, but more than anything we just strongly encourage you to read their statement and keep your chin up.

The White Stripes – When I Hear My Name [mp3]

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One response to “MAKING US BLUE”

  1. D. Watusi says:

    honestly makes me wanna cry. though i haven’t listened to them much in recent years, in the long term, no other band has meant more to me. question last night at tubesteak tuesday was what band has most influenced you personally. although i… knew it would distance myself from the room of mostly 30- and 40-somethings, there was really no other answer i could give but the white stripes. got elephant for my 12th birthday and literally did not take it out of my portable CD player for over 6 months. i saw them three times, and i’m proud to say i was front row center for one of those shows. truly incredible band. i’m very sad to see it all end, but really, thank you jack and thank you meg. i definitely wouldn’t be who i am today if not for you.

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