This record’s been in the making for the last 2 years from the bad boys down at Florida’s Dying. Totally gonna be worth the wait, too. We all love songs that teach us new dances [The Twist – Hippy Hippy Shake – The Drag – The U Turn] and the dudes in Flahdah are hooking us up bigtime with 13 tracks from 13 different kickass bands teaching new dances. Dances like: The Cuddle Up, Huckle Buck, and Wiggle It Around. There’s a list of the contributing artists down there. I’m pretty sure we’ve talked about all of them at least once here before [Definitely more than that in some cases…. Personal & the Pizzas and Sexcapades]
Johnny and the Limelites
Hunx and His Punx
Coconut Coolouts
Sweet Sixteens
Garbos Daughter
Slippery Slopes
Brians Dirty Business
Personal and The Pizzas
The Puddin’ Pops
The Yolks
Gonna be a good summer. Get your order in now because only 600 of these are out there and it’s definitely going to sell out fast. Hey, FD, next time get a hold of those Funstix babes, they’ve got a pretty good one under their belt too.
coconut coolouts are my favorite band!!!!!!
please don’t break me out of party jail!!